1. Pray Together Daily
Unite as a family in prayer, to thank the Lord for his gifts. There are many ways to pray together. Begin with what works best for your family and try some new ideas too.
2. Dinner Table Topics
At family dinner, bring your faith into the discussion and chat about saints, scripture and service. Encourage kids to be curious about the faith. If parents don’t know the answers, search the Catechism!
3. Join in Service Together
Kids learn by example, and when you serve as a family, that experiential learning influences their faith.
4. Practice Hospitality as a Family
Host a game night for families or invite young adults to dinner to experience the gift of loving, messy family life!
5. Talk to Kids about God’s Plan for Human Sexuality, Marriage, and Family
When you talk, your kids listen more than you think (even if they roll their eyes). Tell your kids that God has a plan for their sexuality and about the gift of marriage.
Learn more https://cacatholic.org/radiate-love-family/