"Special discernment is indispensable for the pastoral care of those who are separated, divorced or abandoned. Respect needs to be shown especially for the sufferings of those who have unjustly endured separation, divorce or abandonment, or those who have been forced by maltreatment from a husband or a wife to interrupt their life together.”
– Pope Francis, AMORIS LÆTITIA (The Joy of Love), Chapter 242
A faith family where Catholics suffering from broken relationships will find a welcome home throughout the Archdiocese.
Our mission is to be a Catholic Faith resource of spiritual and practical help for families that are hurting because of broken relationships and to give hope to those recovering from separation, and divorce. Our energies are directed toward supporting, helping, enabling and empowering each other in that journey. We wish to belong fully to our Faith Family, to be a gift that inspires and a lesson by which others may learn and grow.
Our goal is to become a source of spiritual strength and wisdom; to process the grief; to ease the pain; to give comfort and hope to those recovering from separation, divorce or death of a spouse.
Catholic/Christian Therapist Referrals (English & Spanish)
*Note: For private and professional reasons, the names and contact information of the therapists are not available on the website. Please contact Irene Flores-Garcia, Associate Director for the Office of Marriage & Family Life, at 213-637-7308 or [email protected].
"Understanding the Process of Declarations of Marriage Nullity" presented by Fr. Reynaldo Matunog, JCL., Fr. Paul Velazquez, JCL., and Sr. Angelica Orozco, EFMS
Do you want to know more about understanding the Declaration of Marriage Nullity Process? The Archdiocese of Los Angeles Marriage Tribunal is one part of the Church’s effort to offer healing and hope to the victims of failed marriages. “What is often referred to as a “marriage annulment” in the Church is actually a declaration by a Church tribunal (a Catholic Church court) that a marriage thought to be valid according to Church law actually fell short of at least one of the essential elements required for a binding union” (usccb.org/topics/marriage-and-family-life-ministries/annulment). Learn more about the process and any further questions, contact your parish priest, deacon, parish Declaration of Marriage Nullity coordinator or the Marriage Tribunal.
"Grief and Self Care" presented by Joe Sikorra, LMFT for Separated, Divorced, and Widowed Ministry
Grief is a natural response to loss. It's the emotional suffering you feel when something or someone you love is taken away. You naturally want to understand what happened and, more importantly, how to move forward with joy, purpose, and meaning. You can! This workshop explores Godly and psychologically sound principles for taking those steps toward healing.
"The Forgotten Steps to Achieving Your Dreams" presented by Joe Sikorra, LMFT for Separated, Divorced, and Widowed Catholics.
In this interactive webinar presentation, Joe Sikorra explores the psychological and spiritual principles that enable you to live boldly and achieve your dreams! Joe discusses how many saints achieved great things, beyond what they imagined they ever could. They accomplished them, not with natural abilities, but by faith, trust, and a willingness to dare and act.